Friday, December 2, 2016

Building Your Home

"I don't know that it is possible for any organization to  succeed in the Church...without adopting the genius of our Church government. What is that? As I conceive it, the genius of our Church government is government through councils."  - Stephen L. Ruchards

Image result for family councilI think there is great strength in holding family council. Although currently in my home it is only my husband and I, I find great value in holding family council and I know this value will only increase as we add children into the mix. President Ballard stated in a talk that, "The Lord’s church is organized with councils at every level."  I think one of the most important levels is the counseling we do in our homes. There is great power and unity that comes from holding a family council.

I have already seen in my marriage and when I was growing up that having a family council allows all family members to be on the same page. It creates a deeper bond between individuals. It creates a safe place for all topics to be discussed. A professor at BYU talks about how power should be distributed in a home. Holding family councils solidifies the co-power that parents hold and introduces unity and equality in parental leadership.
Image result for family council

Elder Ballard also said that, "Ideally, all members of any Church or any family council should share their concerns and should suggest solutions based on gospel principles." I like that this sentence suggests the use of the gospel in the home. It is a great reminder that we should build our homes around Jesus Christ and let the gospel help guide our decisions. I have found peace in my family councils with my husband and I am excited to continue to counsel as our family grows. Taking the time to dissect different aspects in our homes allows a family to be one. Elder Eyring speaking of the Lord stated. "He knows that only in eternal life can those sacred, joyful associations of families endure." We must strengthen our families here on earth and holding family councils is a great way to start. I have a testimony of eternal families and I know what the influence of the world can do to destroy them. I will use my knowledge of the Gospel to strengthen my family and hold them close while teaching the truths and always keeping the Spirit in my home.
“Each family organization should include a family council comprised of all members of the family unit. Here the basic responsibilities of the family organization can be taught to the children. They can learn how to make decisions and act upon those decisions.” - Elder L. Tom Perry